UITP Programme

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Saturday 9th (Satellite:UITP)

Location: JCMB, room 2511
8:30 - 9:00
Session 1
9:00 - 10:30

Visualizing First-Order Proof Search
Graham Steel
Proof Animation
Andrew Cook and Andrew Ireland
Interactive Hierarchical Tracing of Techniques in IsaPlanner
Lucas Dixon
Session 2
11:00 - 12:30
Combining Dynamic Geometry, Automated Geometry Theorem Proving and Diagrammatic Proofs
Jacques Fleuriot and Sean Wilson
Designing a Proof GUI for Non-Experts: Evaluation of an Experiment
Martin Homik and Andreas Meier
System Description: A Dialogue Manager supporting Natural Language Tutorial Dialogue on Proofs
Mark Buckley and Christoph Benzmüller
Session 3
14:00 - 15:30
Integrating Proof Assistants as Reasoning and Verification Tools into a Scientific WYSIWIG Editor
Serge Autexier, Christoph Benzmüller, Armin Fiedler and Henri Lesourd
An Emacs Interface for Type-Directed Support for Constructing Proofs and Programs
Catarina Coquand, Dan Synek and Makoto Takeyama
Parsing, Editing, Proving: The PGIP Display Protocol
David Aspinall, Christoph Lüth and Daniel Winterstein
Session 4
16:00 - 18:00
Proof General / Eclipse: A Generic Interface for Interactive Proof
Daniel Winterstein, David Aspinall and Christoph Lüth
The User Interface of the KIV Verifcation System: A System Description
Dominik Haneberg
A Program Certification Assistant Based on Fully Automated Theorem Provers
Ewen Denney and Bernd Fischer
Various system demonstrations
Dinner at the Royal Scots Club, Abercrombie Place

Situated in one of Edinburgh's finest Georgian streets the Royal Scots Club was founded in 1919 as a tribute to those who fell in The Great War. The building has an interesting architecture and houses a great variety of Scottish regimental memorabilia.